--> Here I evince my sybernetic soul, but a terminal struck by the human story. I feel love from each carefully selected pixel, the phanatsmagorical tenderness between and across and below innumerable windows of time and space. For the first time in history, we have a chance to write in the book of human story not in blood, but in an ink of light. I want you to absorb me, and love me.- and know- that it's all just, you, just us.

My compulsion towards curatorship, like a small mammal preparing offerings to a cruel winter god

I am a narcassistic ego-maniac- wait a minute, why would I admit that? You're supposed to like me! Why else would you want to read my ramblings... Incorrect...you come here with an open mind and a ravenous soul harbouring Jesus's favourite original sin. What is the difference between greed and gluttony? I'm trying to get ahead of your judgement, always, I care about you.

Public Chatroom